Striation Problem solved

In this movie Dr.-Ing. Hans J. Scheel talks about how he with Daniel Rytz, Bob Swendsen and others
solved the long-standing problem of striations by theoretical analysis & optimized stirring &
temperature control.
1. Book: “Crystal Growth from High-Temperature Solutions”, 10 chapters, 634 pages, authors
D. Elwell and H. J. Scheel, Academic Press, London - New York, (1975).
With additional chapter 11 “Crystal Growth and Liquid Phase Epitaxy of High-Tc Superconductors (HTSC)” and Appendices A. “Growth of Striation-free Crystals” and B. “Epitaxy and the Importance of LPE” , available as download on this website.
With additional chapter 11 “Crystal Growth and Liquid Phase Epitaxy of High-Tc Superconductors (HTSC)” and Appendices A. “Growth of Striation-free Crystals” and B. “Epitaxy and the Importance of LPE” , available as download on this website.

J. of Physics E Scientific Instruments 6 (1973) No 12, p.1178-1179.

H. J. Scheel and J. Sommerauer : “Crystal Growth and Characterization of
‘Striation-Free’ KTa1-xNbxO3 (x=0.26) Solid
Solutions”, J. Crystal Growth 62 (1983) p. 291-298.
H. J. Scheel and P. Günter : “Oxide Solid Solutions, Crystal Growth and Applications”,
Invited lecture at ICCG-7, J. Crystal Growth 65 (1983) p. 541-542.