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Dr.-Ing. Hans J. Scheel - Timeline


The timeline consists of four bands which can be moved synchronically by dragging the mouse, or by pressing the arrow-keys after clicking into the timeline. A click on an entry in the timeline shows a bubble with additional information. The dark green region in the upper band shows the displayed time-frame of the lower three bands.
Milestones: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | (for Details see Home) Go to: Start | End | of the timeline

In this printed version we only show the data for the bands Family & Career, Conferences, Books & Awards and Research. For a complete list of scientific publications please refer to the page “Publications”.

Family & Career

5/1937 Born in Bremen, Germany
Hans J. (Jörg) Scheel was born in Bremen, Germany on May 13, 1937 as son of Ernst Albert Scheel and Helga Scheel born Klenk-Thomsen. Family moved then to Bielefeld.
1941–1944 Health recovery at Baltic Sea (Kühlungsborn)
Health recovery in Kühlungsborn at Baltic Sea. Father in military service.
at kuehlungsborn
1943 House and city Bielefeld bombed
After the house in Bielefeld was bombed mother with Hans and younger brother stayed at Kühlungsborn. Hans started school.
house in Bielefeld
1945 Father killed in world war II
4/1945 Family escapes from Kühlungsborn to Lübeck
1951–1954 Hans attends high school in Lübeck
High School: Oberschule zum Dom (OzD) Lübeck
ozd luebeck
4/1954–12/1957 Chemical education at ASTA company education at ASTA company
1/1958–3/1959 Assistent to Prof. P. Karrer at University Zurich
In January 1958 Hans Scheel joined Prof. Paul Karrer (Nobel prize 1936) at Chemical Institute of the University of Zurich (chromatographic separation & crystallization of Curare alkaloids received from Brazil).
in the lab 1958
12/1959 Married first wife Margrit
December 1959 HJS married his first wife Margrit. They had two sons, Martin 1960 and Bernhard 1962 and divorced in 1986.
with margrit and family
4/1959–3/1968 Assistent to Prof. F. Laves, ETH Zurich
1959 Hans Scheel joined Prof. Fritz Laves (known for "Laves phases"in metallurgy) at Institute of Crystallography of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (crystallization of organic pigment dyes, studies on phase separation and nucleation / crystallization phenomena in pyroceram-type glasses, from 1963 he initiated a crystal growth laboratory).
F. Laves, x-ray precession cameras
12/1960 Son Martin born December 1960 martin climbing
7/1962 Son Bernhard born July 1962 bernhard
4/1968–12/1982 Research staff member at IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
From 1968 to 1982 Hans Scheel was a researcher and staff member at IBM Zurich Research Laboratory to initiate a crystal growth lab, developed novel techniques (ACRT= accelerated crucible rotation technique, MultiLPE= slider-free liquid phase epitaxy LPE technique), and with D. Elwell wrote classical book "Crystal Growth from High-Temperature Solutions" published 1975, and solved the formerly "intrinsic" striation problem.
HJS and Widmer at CZ machine, IBM Research Lab Zurich
1982 In memory of 15 years at IBM Zurich Laboratory
In December 1982 Hans left his colleagues, coworkers and his well-equipped crystal growth lab. at the excellent IBM Laboratory.
14 years at IBM
1/1983–6/1985 Full professor (MS6) and chief scientist (A1) at Univ. Sao Paulo/Sao Carlos and at INPE, Brazil
Hans Scheel has been invited as full professor to University of Sao Paulo/Brazil to build a national laboratory for crystal growth and materials development and became a chief scientist (A1) at Natl. Space Research Institute INPE, Sao José dos Campos, Brazil.
3 coworkers with apparatus
7/1985–3/1987 Manager in machine industry in USA and Germany
After political change Hans Scheel left Brazil to join US and German industries to design new generation of crystal growth machines (Ferrofluidics/USA & Leybold-Heraeus/Germany).
4/1987–10/1988 Visiting professor and scientist at MASPEC-CNR Parma and at Physics Dept.,Univ. Geneva
11/1988–5/2001 Adjoint scientifique at ETH Lausanne
Adjoint scientifique at ETH Lausanne (EPFL); head of group Cristallogenese
3/1995 DSc (Dr.Ing.) of Tohoku Univ., Sendai/Japan
HJS received the Doctor of Engineering from the Department of Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai Japan (Japanese Paper Doctor corresponds to the-DSc).
Dr.-Ing Tohoku University
5/2000 Married Regula Hauser Scheel born Ziegler
In 2000 HJS married Regula Hauser Scheel, born Ziegler.
Marriage with Regula Hauser
2000 Started SCHEEL CONSULTING company
Started SCHEEL CONSULTING company for crystal, epilayer and materials technology.
Visiting professor at Osaka University
In 2001, 2002 and 2003 has been a visiting professor and scientist with Prof. T. Sasaki and Prof. Yusuke Mori and gave lectures about growth of dislocation-free and striation-free crystals, of high-Tc superconductors, and about LPE of semiconductors and high-Tc superconductors with atomically flat surfaces.
Prof. Sasaki and Prof. Mori
2002 Mother died
On march 24 in 2002 the mother of HJS Helga Scheel-Thomsen has passed away.
Prof. Sasaki and Prof. Mori
9/2004 Visiting professor at Shandong University, China
Visiting professor at Shandong University, Jinan, China (J. Y. Wang)
Prof. J. Y. Wang
10/–11/2005 Visiting prof. at IMR, Tohoku University, Japan
In 2005 has been a visiting professor and scientist with Prof. K. Nakajima and gave lectures about growth of dislocation-free and striation-free crystals, of high-Tc superconductors, and about LPE of semiconductors and high-Tc superconductors with atomically flat surfaces.
Prof. Nakashjima
1970 Co-organized with E.Kaldis First Conference on Vapour Growth & Epitaxy ICVGE-1 Zurich
1972 First Award in crystal growth from SKW of Swiss Society of Crystallography
Hans Scheel gets his first Award in crystal growth from SKW of Swiss Society of Crystallography.
Auszeichnung SGK
1972 Silver dish from SGK
1972 HJS received First Award and silver dish with ruby for Crystal Growth from Swiss Crystal Growth Section of the Swiss Society of Crystallography.
Auszeichnung SGK

Conferences, Books & Awards

10/1970 Invited lecture at First German Crystal Growth Conf. Munich/DE
«Crystal Growth from High-Temperature Solutions», Conference of the German Crystal Growth Society, Munich, Germany.
01/1973 Keynote lecture at First Israel Crystal Growth Conf. Ramat-Gan/ Israel
«Recent Developments in Flux Growth», Invited Opening Lecture Israel Crystal Growth Conference, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
05/1973 Invited at Dutch Crystal Growth Course Noordwijkerhout NL
«Crystal Growth from High-Temperature Solutions (Flux Growth)», Dutch Crystal Growth Course, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands.
1974 Outstanding Contribution Award from IBM IBM Outstanding Contribution Award
8/7–12/7/1974 Invited at Gordon Research Conference, Andover N. H., USA
«Recent Developments in the Accelerated Crucible Rotation Technique», Gordon Research Conference on Crystal Growth, Proctor Academy, Crystal Growth, Arnold Reisman, chairman, August F. Witt, vice chairman, July 8-12, 1974, Andover N. H., USA
Gordon Research Conference, Andover N. H., USA
1974 First Invention Award from IBM IBM First Invention Achievement Award
1975 1. Book: “Crystal Growth from High-Temperature Solutions”
D. Elwell & H.J.Scheel, Academic Press, London-New York (634 pages)
Available as Online-Edition (PDF 224.39 MB) from
book cover
7/1975 Invited at ACCG-III Stanford, USA
«ACRT Solution Stirring», ACCG-III (3rd American Conference on Crystal Growth), Stanford, Calif., USA.
1976 Co-organized First European Conf. on Crystal Growth ECCG-1 in Zurich
Co-organized with E.Kaldis First European Conference on Crystal Growth ECCG-1 in Zurich and introduced poster sessions.
1977 2. Book: ECCG-1 Proceedings “1976 Crystal Growth and Materials”
ECCG-1 Proceedings “1976 Crystal Growth and Materials"”,
editors E.Kaldis & H.J.Scheel, North-Holland, Amsterdam-New York (918 pages).
1976 Crystal Growth and Materials
7/1977 Invited at ICCG-5 Boston
«A New Technique for Multilayer LPE», 5th International Conference on Crystal Growth, Boston, USA.
5/1978 Invited at 5th Internat. Sympos. Dresden/ GDR
«Crystallization and Characterization of Strontium Titanate», 5th IntI. Symp. on High-Purity Materials, Dresden, German Democratic Republic.
9/1980 Invited at ISSCG-4 Suzdal/ USSR
«Recent Developments in Crystal Growth from High-Temperature Solutions», 4th Intl. Specialists School on Crystal Growth ISSCG-4, Suzdal, USSR.
3/1981 Invited at EUROMECH-138, Karlsruhe/ DE
«The Accelerated Crucible Rotation Technique (ACRT) in Crystal Growth», EUROMECH, European Mech. Coll. No 138, Karlsruhe, Germany.
1981 Second Invention Award from IBM Second Invention Award from IBM
9/1981 Invited at Internat. School on Semiconductor Optoelectronics, Cetniewo/ PL
«Multi LPE, A New Technique for Production of Flat and Homogeneous III-V Multilayers», International School on Semiconductor Optoelectronics, Cetniewo, Poland.
12/7–16/7/1982 Invited at Gordon Research Conference, Laconia N. H., USA
«Crystal Growth and Characterization of Homogeneous Solid Solutions», Invited Lecture at the Gordon Research Conference on Crystal Growth, Holderness School, Crystal Growth, Edward A. Giess, chairperson, Franz Rosenberger, vice chairperson, July 12-16, 1982, Achber Studio, Laconia N. H., USA
Gordon Research Conference, Laconia N. H., USA
1983 Program chairman Fifth Internatl. Specialists School on Crystal Growth ISSCG-5 Davos/Switzerland
9/1983 Invited at ISSCG-5 Davos/Switzerland
«Crystal Growth of Homogeneous Solid Solutions», 5th International School on Crystal Growth ISSCG-5, Davos GR, Switzerland.
9/1983 Invited at ICCG-7 Stuttgart/ DE
«Oxide Solid Solutions, Crystal Growth and Applications», 7th International Conference on Crystal Growth ICCG-7, Stuttgart, Germany.
5/1984 Invited at 6th Internat. Sympos. Dresden/ GDR
«Optimum Convection Conditions for Czochralski Growth of Semiconductors», 6th Internat. Symposium on «High-Purity Materials in Science and Technology», Dresden, German Democratic Republic.
5/1985 Invited at AACG Workshop Pajaro Dunes, CA/USA
«Inert Working Atmospheres», American Association for Crystal Growth Workshop on «Purification of Materials for Crystal Growth and Glass Processing», Pajaro Dunes / Watsonville, Calif., USA.
1/1986 Invited at Winter School Epitaxial Electronic Materials, Trieste/IT
«Fundamental Aspects of Liquid Phase Epitaxy», «Atomically Flat Surfaces and Superlattices by LPE» and «Segregation Problems in LPE & in Growth of Solid Solution Substrate Crystals», 3 lectures at the Winter School in Technology, Characterization and Properties of Epitaxial Electronic Materiels, Trieste, Italy.
1/1988 6 invited lectures at Internat. School Madras/India
«The Role of Hydrodynamics in Crystal Growth from High-Temperature Solutions» and «Crystal Growth of Homogeneous «Striations-Free» Solid Solutions: KTa1-X NbxO3 'KTN' etc.» and «Czochralski Hydrodynamics: Classical & Novel Aspects» and «Atomically Flat Surfaces and p-n-lunctions in LPE-grown GaAs» and «Crystal Growth of SrTiO3 and of High-Temperature Superconductors» and «Crystal Growth Problems and Expectations» at the International School on «Crystal Growth and Characterization of Advanced Materials for Solid State Applications»-Crystal Growth Center, ANNA University, Madras, India.
2/—3/1988 Invited at First Internat. Conf. HTSC, Interlaken/Switzerland
«Crystal Growth Problems of YBa2Cu3O7-X», First Internat. Confer. on High Temperature Superconductors and Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity, Interlaken/Switzerland.
7/1988 Invited at HTSC Summer School El Escorial/Spain
«Crystal Growth Problems of High-Tc Superconductors», Summer School on High Temperature Superconductors, EI Escorial/Spain.
8/1989 Invited at ICCG-9, Sendai/Japan
«General Aspects of Growth of Superconductor Oxide Crystals», 9th Internat. Confer. on Crystal Growth, Sendai/Japan.
7/1991 Invited/honorary guest at ICVGE-7 Nagoya/Japan
«Problems in Epitaxial Growth of High-Tc Superconductors», 7th Internat. Confer. on Vapour Growth and Epitaxy, Nagoya/Japan (Special lecture as honorary guest of the conference).
1992 AVCP 34ème Cours de Perfectionnement: «Croissance de Cristaux et de Couches Epitaxiales pour Applications Électroniques et Optiques», Grimentz (VS), Switzerland March 15 - 21, 1992.
«Historical Development of Crystal Growth»
«Bulk Melt & Solution Growth: Fundamentals, Techniques, Apparatus»
«Bulk Melt & Solution Growth: Hydrodynamics (incl. short movie & demonstration)»
«Flame-fusion Growth of Sapphire, Ruby and SrTiO3 (with K. Djevahirdjian)»
«Crystal Growth of High-Tc Superconductors»
AVCP Cours Grimentz 1992
1993 3. Book: edited proceedings of 34th Cours AVCP
Proceedings of 34ème Cours de Perfectionnement de l'Association Vaudoise des Chercheurs en Physique “Croissance de Cristaux et de Couches Epitaxiales pour Applications Electroniques et Optiques” (held at Grimentz March 16-21, 1992), 418 pages, editor H. J. Scheel (1993).
book cover
3/1993 Invited at DGKK Annual Conf. Berlin
«Epitaxie von Hoch-Tc Supraleitern» ; «Strategien fur optimale Czochralski-Technologie», Annual German Crystal Growth Conference, Berlin/Germany.
10/1993 Plenary at 6th Intern. Sympos. HTSC Hiroshima/Japan
«Problems in Epitaxial Growth of High-Tc Superconductors», 6th Internat. Sympos. on Superconductivity, Hiroshima/Japan (Plenary lecture).
7/1994 Invited at NATO Advanced Study Institute on HTSC, Porto Carras/Greece
«Crystal Growth of High-Tc Superconductors» and «Epitaxy of High-Tc Superconductors», NATO Advanced Study Institute on High-Temperature Superconductors-III, Porto Carras, Chalkidiki / Greece.
2/1995 Opening lecture +3 at Internat. School Madras/India
Opening lecture «Crystal Growth: History-Presence-Future» + 3 lectures: «Fundamental Aspects of Epitaxy of Semiconductors and Superconductors», «Striations in Optical Crystals: A Resolvable Problem», «Hydrodynamics of Czochralski Melts» , International School on Advanced Electronic Materials, Madras / India.
6/1995 Invited at ACCG-West, Stanford Sierra Camp/ USA
«Epitaxy of High-Tc Superconductors», American Association for Crystal Growth-West Fourteenth Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy, Stanford Sierra Camp, Fallen Leaf Lake, Calif. / USA.
6/1995 Invited at ICCG-11, The Hague/ NL
«Control of Growth Modes in Epitaxy of High-Tc Superconductors», XI International Conference on Crystal Growth, The Hague / Netherlands.
1996 Foreign member Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences Moscow Award
11/1997 Invited at Internat. Sympos. Laser & NLO Crystals, Singapore
«Control of Epitaxial Growth Modes for High-Performance Optoelectronic Devices» at International Symposium on Laser and Nonlinear Optical Materials, Pan Pacific Hotel, Singapore.
1998 4. Book: ISCGT-1 Book of Lecture Notes
Book of “Lecture Notes” (Beatenberg September 5-16, 1998), editor H.J. Scheel, REPRO-EPF Lausanne 1998, 806 pages.
6/1998 Invited at ISSCG-10, Rimini/ IT
3 lectures on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy from Solutions : «Fundamentals of Growth from Solutions» (with C.Klemenz), «Practical Aspects of Growth from Aqueous Solutions and from High-Temperature Solutions», «Special Topics of Growth from Solutions», at the 10th International Summer School on Crystal Growth ISSCG-10, Rimini, Italy.
1998 First International Workshop on Crystal Growth Technology ISCGT-1 in Beatenberg/Switzerland, co-chairmen HJS & T. Fukuda IWCGT-1-Groupfoto-1998
2000 Millennium Lecture at Brit. Assoc. for Crystal Growth
HJS was hounored to present the Millennium Lecture 2000 at BACG Manchester UK of Crystal Growth.
2000 Second Internatl. Workshop on Crystal Growth Technology ISCGT-2 at Mount Zhao, Japan, co-chairmen T.Fukuda & HJS ISCGT 2 Zhao, Japan
2001 Award from Korean Association for Crystal Growth Korea Award
2003 5. Book: “Crystal Growth Technology”, editors HJS & T.Fukuda"
Editors Hans J. Scheel, T. Fukuda, Wiley & Sons, Chichester UK 2003 hardcover, 2004 paperback, 29 chapters, 694 pages.
book cover
2005 Third International Workshop on Crystal Growth Technology ISCGT-3 in Beatenberg/Switzerland, co-chairmen HJS, S. Uda and D. Witter iwcgt 3 group foto
2005 6. Book: IWCGT-3 Book of Lecture Notes, editor H.J.Scheel, Artworking Beatenberg (466 pages).
2008 Fourth International Workshop on Crystal Growth Technology IWCGT-4 in Beatenberg/Switzerland, co-chairmen HJS, P.Dutta and J. Friedrich
2008 7. Book: “Crystal Growth Technology - From Fundamentals and Simulation to Large-scale Production”
Editors H.J.Scheel & P.Capper, Wiley-VCh, Weinheim/Germany (499 pages)
book cover


4/1955–12/1958 Syntheses for new medicaments and purification by recrystallization
1/1959–3/1960 Chromatographic separation and recrystallization of Curare alkaloids
4/1960–12/1965 Crystallization of organic pigment dyes, e.g. quinacridone
1/1961–12/1966 Glass ceramics research, phase diagram studies, phase separation-nucleation-crystallization of pyroceram-type glasses
1/1963–12/1967 Crystal growth of minerals, doped oxide spinels and garnets from high-temperature solutions (flux)
4/1968–12/1970 Crystal growth of NaCrS2, CdS, ZnS, FeS2 and other sulfides from flux, patents
1/1969–12/1972 Crystal (flux) growth of GdAlO3 by Accelerated Crucible Rotation Technique ACRT
1/1971–12/1972 Derivation of the „maximum stable growth rate“ for growth of inclusion-free crystals
1/1971–12/1975 Hydrodynamics of ACRT
5/1971–12//1975 Flux growth of dislocation-free SrTiO3 crystals
7/1974–11/1976 Verneuil (flame-fusion) growth of SrTiO3
3/1974–11/1982 Flux growth with ACRT of homogeneous solid solutions of YIG:Ga, GdAlO3:La, GdAlO3:Y, and striation-free KTa1-xNbxO3 (KTN). Theoretical analysis of experimental requirements for striation-free crystals of solid solutions.
1/1975–12/1980 Slider-free liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE) process for growth of p-n-GaAs multilayers „MultiLPE“, patents
1976–1981 Development of a super-Glovebox with less than 0.03 ppm oxygen and water.
1/–7/1982 STM study of atomically flat LPE-grown GaAs surfaces
1/1983–6/1985 Design of experimental simulation apparatus for Czochralski melts and simulation experiments with ink injection, floating particles, Schlieren, and Laser-Doppler anemometry with movies. Discovery of Taylor vortices.
7/1985–3/1987 Design of Continuous Czochralski and hotwall Czochralski machines for Si and GaAs. Patents for Co-Rotating Ring Czochralski CRCZ technology.
4/1987–6/1992 Crystal (flux) growth of high-temperature superconductor YBCO, phase diagram studies: eutectic BaCuO2-CuOx, primary crystallization field of YBCO
1/1991–6/1997 Liquid phase epitaxy of YBCO and NdBCO, crucible and substrate requirements, growth of LaGaO3, NdGaO3, SrLaGaO3 substrate crystals, oxidation problem.
2/–7/1988 SEM-STM study: leading-edge growth mechanism to explain thin YBCO platelets as form of growth instability, large thick YBCO crystals at low supersaturation
1/1991–6/1997 Liquid phase epitaxy of YBCO and NdBCO, crucible and substrate requirements, growth of LaGaO3, NdGaO3 and SrLaGaO4 substrate crystals
3/1993–11/1994 Atomically flat surfaces of LPE-grown YBCO and NdBCO, AFM studies
2/1994–7/1995 Growth of colourless anatase (TiO2) crystals by chemical vapour transport.
3/1997–8/2000 Problems of growth of gradient-doped garnet crystals for high-power lasers, first growth experiments.
1/1998–6/2000 Apparatus and preliminary experiments for LPE of GaN.
1/2000– Crystal technology (CT) for saving energy, for renewable energy, and for high-temperature superconductivity, education of crystal technology engineers and scientists, workshops and books on CT. History of crystal growth, of high-temperature superconductivity.
2/2002– Design criteria for high-safety airliner, flight security measures
4/2011– Fluid dynamics (patent applications) for Tsunami and for tropical storm protection



The timeline consists of four bands which can be moved synchronically by dragging the mouse, or by pressing the arrow-keys after clicking into the timeline. A click on an entry in the timeline shows a bubble with additional information. The dark green region in the upper band shows the displayed time-frame of the lower three bands.
Milestones: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | (for Details see Home) Go to: Start | End | of the timeline
Family & Career
Family & Career
Son Bernhard born July 1962
Son Martin born December 1960
Married first wife Margrit
Assistent to Prof. F. Laves, ETH Zurich
Assistent to Prof. P. Karrer at University Zurich
Chemical education at ASTA company
Hans attends high school in Lübeck
Family escapes from Kühlungsborn to Lübeck
Father killed in world war II
House and city Bielefeld bombed
Health recovery at Baltic Sea (Kühlungsborn)
Born in Bremen, Germany
Conferences, Books & Awards
Conferences, Books & Awards
Major Scientific Publications
Major Scientific Publications

In this printed version we only show the data for the bands Family & Career, Conferences, Books & Awards and Research. For a complete list of scientific publications please refer to the page “Publications”.

Family & Career

5/1937 Born in Bremen, Germany
Hans J. (Jörg) Scheel was born in Bremen, Germany on May 13, 1937 as son of Ernst Albert Scheel and Helga Scheel born Klenk-Thomsen. Family moved then to Bielefeld.
1941–1944 Health recovery at Baltic Sea (Kühlungsborn)
Health recovery in Kühlungsborn at Baltic Sea. Father in military service.
at kuehlungsborn
1943 House and city Bielefeld bombed
After the house in Bielefeld was bombed mother with Hans and younger brother stayed at Kühlungsborn. Hans started school.
house in Bielefeld
1945 Father killed in world war II
4/1945 Family escapes from Kühlungsborn to Lübeck
1951–1954 Hans attends high school in Lübeck
High School: Oberschule zum Dom (OzD) Lübeck
ozd luebeck
4/1954–12/1957 Chemical education at ASTA company education at ASTA company
1/1958–3/1959 Assistent to Prof. P. Karrer at University Zurich
In January 1958 Hans Scheel joined Prof. Paul Karrer (Nobel prize 1936) at Chemical Institute of the University of Zurich (chromatographic separation & crystallization of Curare alkaloids received from Brazil).
in the lab 1958
12/1959 Married first wife Margrit
December 1959 HJS married his first wife Margrit. They had two sons, Martin 1960 and Bernhard 1962 and divorced in 1986.
with margrit and family
4/1959–3/1968 Assistent to Prof. F. Laves, ETH Zurich
1959 Hans Scheel joined Prof. Fritz Laves (known for "Laves phases"in metallurgy) at Institute of Crystallography of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (crystallization of organic pigment dyes, studies on phase separation and nucleation / crystallization phenomena in pyroceram-type glasses, from 1963 he initiated a crystal growth laboratory).
F. Laves, x-ray precession cameras
12/1960 Son Martin born December 1960 martin climbing
7/1962 Son Bernhard born July 1962 bernhard
4/1968–12/1982 Research staff member at IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
From 1968 to 1982 Hans Scheel was a researcher and staff member at IBM Zurich Research Laboratory to initiate a crystal growth lab, developed novel techniques (ACRT= accelerated crucible rotation technique, MultiLPE= slider-free liquid phase epitaxy LPE technique), and with D. Elwell wrote classical book "Crystal Growth from High-Temperature Solutions" published 1975, and solved the formerly "intrinsic" striation problem.
HJS and Widmer at CZ machine, IBM Research Lab Zurich
1982 In memory of 15 years at IBM Zurich Laboratory
In December 1982 Hans left his colleagues, coworkers and his well-equipped crystal growth lab. at the excellent IBM Laboratory.
14 years at IBM
1/1983–6/1985 Full professor (MS6) and chief scientist (A1) at Univ. Sao Paulo/Sao Carlos and at INPE, Brazil
Hans Scheel has been invited as full professor to University of Sao Paulo/Brazil to build a national laboratory for crystal growth and materials development and became a chief scientist (A1) at Natl. Space Research Institute INPE, Sao José dos Campos, Brazil.
3 coworkers with apparatus
7/1985–3/1987 Manager in machine industry in USA and Germany
After political change Hans Scheel left Brazil to join US and German industries to design new generation of crystal growth machines (Ferrofluidics/USA & Leybold-Heraeus/Germany).
4/1987–10/1988 Visiting professor and scientist at MASPEC-CNR Parma and at Physics Dept.,Univ. Geneva
11/1988–5/2001 Adjoint scientifique at ETH Lausanne
Adjoint scientifique at ETH Lausanne (EPFL); head of group Cristallogenese
3/1995 DSc (Dr.Ing.) of Tohoku Univ., Sendai/Japan
HJS received the Doctor of Engineering from the Department of Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai Japan (Japanese Paper Doctor corresponds to the-DSc).
Dr.-Ing Tohoku University
5/2000 Married Regula Hauser Scheel born Ziegler
In 2000 HJS married Regula Hauser Scheel, born Ziegler.
Marriage with Regula Hauser
2000 Started SCHEEL CONSULTING company
Started SCHEEL CONSULTING company for crystal, epilayer and materials technology.
Visiting professor at Osaka University
In 2001, 2002 and 2003 has been a visiting professor and scientist with Prof. T. Sasaki and Prof. Yusuke Mori and gave lectures about growth of dislocation-free and striation-free crystals, of high-Tc superconductors, and about LPE of semiconductors and high-Tc superconductors with atomically flat surfaces.
Prof. Sasaki and Prof. Mori
2002 Mother died
On march 24 in 2002 the mother of HJS Helga Scheel-Thomsen has passed away.
Prof. Sasaki and Prof. Mori
9/2004 Visiting professor at Shandong University, China
Visiting professor at Shandong University, Jinan, China (J. Y. Wang)
Prof. J. Y. Wang
10/–11/2005 Visiting prof. at IMR, Tohoku University, Japan
In 2005 has been a visiting professor and scientist with Prof. K. Nakajima and gave lectures about growth of dislocation-free and striation-free crystals, of high-Tc superconductors, and about LPE of semiconductors and high-Tc superconductors with atomically flat surfaces.
Prof. Nakashjima
1970 Co-organized with E.Kaldis First Conference on Vapour Growth & Epitaxy ICVGE-1 Zurich
1972 First Award in crystal growth from SKW of Swiss Society of Crystallography
Hans Scheel gets his first Award in crystal growth from SKW of Swiss Society of Crystallography.
Auszeichnung SGK
1972 Silver dish from SGK
1972 HJS received First Award and silver dish with ruby for Crystal Growth from Swiss Crystal Growth Section of the Swiss Society of Crystallography.
Auszeichnung SGK

Conferences, Books & Awards

10/1970 Invited lecture at First German Crystal Growth Conf. Munich/DE
«Crystal Growth from High-Temperature Solutions», Conference of the German Crystal Growth Society, Munich, Germany.
01/1973 Keynote lecture at First Israel Crystal Growth Conf. Ramat-Gan/ Israel
«Recent Developments in Flux Growth», Invited Opening Lecture Israel Crystal Growth Conference, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
05/1973 Invited at Dutch Crystal Growth Course Noordwijkerhout NL
«Crystal Growth from High-Temperature Solutions (Flux Growth)», Dutch Crystal Growth Course, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands.
1974 Outstanding Contribution Award from IBM IBM Outstanding Contribution Award
8/7–12/7/1974 Invited at Gordon Research Conference, Andover N. H., USA
«Recent Developments in the Accelerated Crucible Rotation Technique», Gordon Research Conference on Crystal Growth, Proctor Academy, Crystal Growth, Arnold Reisman, chairman, August F. Witt, vice chairman, July 8-12, 1974, Andover N. H., USA
Gordon Research Conference, Andover N. H., USA
1974 First Invention Award from IBM IBM First Invention Achievement Award
1975 1. Book: “Crystal Growth from High-Temperature Solutions”
D. Elwell & H.J.Scheel, Academic Press, London-New York (634 pages)
Available as Online-Edition (PDF 224.39 MB) from
book cover
7/1975 Invited at ACCG-III Stanford, USA
«ACRT Solution Stirring», ACCG-III (3rd American Conference on Crystal Growth), Stanford, Calif., USA.
1976 Co-organized First European Conf. on Crystal Growth ECCG-1 in Zurich
Co-organized with E.Kaldis First European Conference on Crystal Growth ECCG-1 in Zurich and introduced poster sessions.
1977 2. Book: ECCG-1 Proceedings “1976 Crystal Growth and Materials”
ECCG-1 Proceedings “1976 Crystal Growth and Materials"”,
editors E.Kaldis & H.J.Scheel, North-Holland, Amsterdam-New York (918 pages).
1976 Crystal Growth and Materials
7/1977 Invited at ICCG-5 Boston
«A New Technique for Multilayer LPE», 5th International Conference on Crystal Growth, Boston, USA.
5/1978 Invited at 5th Internat. Sympos. Dresden/ GDR
«Crystallization and Characterization of Strontium Titanate», 5th IntI. Symp. on High-Purity Materials, Dresden, German Democratic Republic.
9/1980 Invited at ISSCG-4 Suzdal/ USSR
«Recent Developments in Crystal Growth from High-Temperature Solutions», 4th Intl. Specialists School on Crystal Growth ISSCG-4, Suzdal, USSR.
3/1981 Invited at EUROMECH-138, Karlsruhe/ DE
«The Accelerated Crucible Rotation Technique (ACRT) in Crystal Growth», EUROMECH, European Mech. Coll. No 138, Karlsruhe, Germany.
1981 Second Invention Award from IBM Second Invention Award from IBM
9/1981 Invited at Internat. School on Semiconductor Optoelectronics, Cetniewo/ PL
«Multi LPE, A New Technique for Production of Flat and Homogeneous III-V Multilayers», International School on Semiconductor Optoelectronics, Cetniewo, Poland.
12/7–16/7/1982 Invited at Gordon Research Conference, Laconia N. H., USA
«Crystal Growth and Characterization of Homogeneous Solid Solutions», Invited Lecture at the Gordon Research Conference on Crystal Growth, Holderness School, Crystal Growth, Edward A. Giess, chairperson, Franz Rosenberger, vice chairperson, July 12-16, 1982, Achber Studio, Laconia N. H., USA
Gordon Research Conference, Laconia N. H., USA
1983 Program chairman Fifth Internatl. Specialists School on Crystal Growth ISSCG-5 Davos/Switzerland
9/1983 Invited at ISSCG-5 Davos/Switzerland
«Crystal Growth of Homogeneous Solid Solutions», 5th International School on Crystal Growth ISSCG-5, Davos GR, Switzerland.
9/1983 Invited at ICCG-7 Stuttgart/ DE
«Oxide Solid Solutions, Crystal Growth and Applications», 7th International Conference on Crystal Growth ICCG-7, Stuttgart, Germany.
5/1984 Invited at 6th Internat. Sympos. Dresden/ GDR
«Optimum Convection Conditions for Czochralski Growth of Semiconductors», 6th Internat. Symposium on «High-Purity Materials in Science and Technology», Dresden, German Democratic Republic.
5/1985 Invited at AACG Workshop Pajaro Dunes, CA/USA
«Inert Working Atmospheres», American Association for Crystal Growth Workshop on «Purification of Materials for Crystal Growth and Glass Processing», Pajaro Dunes / Watsonville, Calif., USA.
1/1986 Invited at Winter School Epitaxial Electronic Materials, Trieste/IT
«Fundamental Aspects of Liquid Phase Epitaxy», «Atomically Flat Surfaces and Superlattices by LPE» and «Segregation Problems in LPE & in Growth of Solid Solution Substrate Crystals», 3 lectures at the Winter School in Technology, Characterization and Properties of Epitaxial Electronic Materiels, Trieste, Italy.
1/1988 6 invited lectures at Internat. School Madras/India
«The Role of Hydrodynamics in Crystal Growth from High-Temperature Solutions» and «Crystal Growth of Homogeneous «Striations-Free» Solid Solutions: KTa1-X NbxO3 'KTN' etc.» and «Czochralski Hydrodynamics: Classical & Novel Aspects» and «Atomically Flat Surfaces and p-n-lunctions in LPE-grown GaAs» and «Crystal Growth of SrTiO3 and of High-Temperature Superconductors» and «Crystal Growth Problems and Expectations» at the International School on «Crystal Growth and Characterization of Advanced Materials for Solid State Applications»-Crystal Growth Center, ANNA University, Madras, India.
2/—3/1988 Invited at First Internat. Conf. HTSC, Interlaken/Switzerland
«Crystal Growth Problems of YBa2Cu3O7-X», First Internat. Confer. on High Temperature Superconductors and Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity, Interlaken/Switzerland.
7/1988 Invited at HTSC Summer School El Escorial/Spain
«Crystal Growth Problems of High-Tc Superconductors», Summer School on High Temperature Superconductors, EI Escorial/Spain.
8/1989 Invited at ICCG-9, Sendai/Japan
«General Aspects of Growth of Superconductor Oxide Crystals», 9th Internat. Confer. on Crystal Growth, Sendai/Japan.
7/1991 Invited/honorary guest at ICVGE-7 Nagoya/Japan
«Problems in Epitaxial Growth of High-Tc Superconductors», 7th Internat. Confer. on Vapour Growth and Epitaxy, Nagoya/Japan (Special lecture as honorary guest of the conference).
1992 AVCP 34ème Cours de Perfectionnement: «Croissance de Cristaux et de Couches Epitaxiales pour Applications Électroniques et Optiques», Grimentz (VS), Switzerland March 15 - 21, 1992.
«Historical Development of Crystal Growth»
«Bulk Melt & Solution Growth: Fundamentals, Techniques, Apparatus»
«Bulk Melt & Solution Growth: Hydrodynamics (incl. short movie & demonstration)»
«Flame-fusion Growth of Sapphire, Ruby and SrTiO3 (with K. Djevahirdjian)»
«Crystal Growth of High-Tc Superconductors»
AVCP Cours Grimentz 1992
1993 3. Book: edited proceedings of 34th Cours AVCP
Proceedings of 34ème Cours de Perfectionnement de l'Association Vaudoise des Chercheurs en Physique “Croissance de Cristaux et de Couches Epitaxiales pour Applications Electroniques et Optiques” (held at Grimentz March 16-21, 1992), 418 pages, editor H. J. Scheel (1993).
book cover
3/1993 Invited at DGKK Annual Conf. Berlin
«Epitaxie von Hoch-Tc Supraleitern» ; «Strategien fur optimale Czochralski-Technologie», Annual German Crystal Growth Conference, Berlin/Germany.
10/1993 Plenary at 6th Intern. Sympos. HTSC Hiroshima/Japan
«Problems in Epitaxial Growth of High-Tc Superconductors», 6th Internat. Sympos. on Superconductivity, Hiroshima/Japan (Plenary lecture).
7/1994 Invited at NATO Advanced Study Institute on HTSC, Porto Carras/Greece
«Crystal Growth of High-Tc Superconductors» and «Epitaxy of High-Tc Superconductors», NATO Advanced Study Institute on High-Temperature Superconductors-III, Porto Carras, Chalkidiki / Greece.
2/1995 Opening lecture +3 at Internat. School Madras/India
Opening lecture «Crystal Growth: History-Presence-Future» + 3 lectures: «Fundamental Aspects of Epitaxy of Semiconductors and Superconductors», «Striations in Optical Crystals: A Resolvable Problem», «Hydrodynamics of Czochralski Melts» , International School on Advanced Electronic Materials, Madras / India.
6/1995 Invited at ACCG-West, Stanford Sierra Camp/ USA
«Epitaxy of High-Tc Superconductors», American Association for Crystal Growth-West Fourteenth Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy, Stanford Sierra Camp, Fallen Leaf Lake, Calif. / USA.
6/1995 Invited at ICCG-11, The Hague/ NL
«Control of Growth Modes in Epitaxy of High-Tc Superconductors», XI International Conference on Crystal Growth, The Hague / Netherlands.
1996 Foreign member Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences Moscow Award
11/1997 Invited at Internat. Sympos. Laser & NLO Crystals, Singapore
«Control of Epitaxial Growth Modes for High-Performance Optoelectronic Devices» at International Symposium on Laser and Nonlinear Optical Materials, Pan Pacific Hotel, Singapore.
1998 4. Book: ISCGT-1 Book of Lecture Notes
Book of “Lecture Notes” (Beatenberg September 5-16, 1998), editor H.J. Scheel, REPRO-EPF Lausanne 1998, 806 pages.
6/1998 Invited at ISSCG-10, Rimini/ IT
3 lectures on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy from Solutions : «Fundamentals of Growth from Solutions» (with C.Klemenz), «Practical Aspects of Growth from Aqueous Solutions and from High-Temperature Solutions», «Special Topics of Growth from Solutions», at the 10th International Summer School on Crystal Growth ISSCG-10, Rimini, Italy.
1998 First International Workshop on Crystal Growth Technology ISCGT-1 in Beatenberg/Switzerland, co-chairmen HJS & T. Fukuda IWCGT-1-Groupfoto-1998
2000 Millennium Lecture at Brit. Assoc. for Crystal Growth
HJS was hounored to present the Millennium Lecture 2000 at BACG Manchester UK of Crystal Growth.
2000 Second Internatl. Workshop on Crystal Growth Technology ISCGT-2 at Mount Zhao, Japan, co-chairmen T.Fukuda & HJS ISCGT 2 Zhao, Japan
2001 Award from Korean Association for Crystal Growth Korea Award
2003 5. Book: “Crystal Growth Technology”, editors HJS & T.Fukuda"
Editors Hans J. Scheel, T. Fukuda, Wiley & Sons, Chichester UK 2003 hardcover, 2004 paperback, 29 chapters, 694 pages.
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2005 Third International Workshop on Crystal Growth Technology ISCGT-3 in Beatenberg/Switzerland, co-chairmen HJS, S. Uda and D. Witter iwcgt 3 group foto
2005 6. Book: IWCGT-3 Book of Lecture Notes, editor H.J.Scheel, Artworking Beatenberg (466 pages).
2008 Fourth International Workshop on Crystal Growth Technology IWCGT-4 in Beatenberg/Switzerland, co-chairmen HJS, P.Dutta and J. Friedrich
2008 7. Book: “Crystal Growth Technology - From Fundamentals and Simulation to Large-scale Production”
Editors H.J.Scheel & P.Capper, Wiley-VCh, Weinheim/Germany (499 pages)
book cover


4/1955–12/1958 Syntheses for new medicaments and purification by recrystallization
1/1959–3/1960 Chromatographic separation and recrystallization of Curare alkaloids
4/1960–12/1965 Crystallization of organic pigment dyes, e.g. quinacridone
1/1961–12/1966 Glass ceramics research, phase diagram studies, phase separation-nucleation-crystallization of pyroceram-type glasses
1/1963–12/1967 Crystal growth of minerals, doped oxide spinels and garnets from high-temperature solutions (flux)
4/1968–12/1970 Crystal growth of NaCrS2, CdS, ZnS, FeS2 and other sulfides from flux, patents
1/1969–12/1972 Crystal (flux) growth of GdAlO3 by Accelerated Crucible Rotation Technique ACRT
1/1971–12/1972 Derivation of the „maximum stable growth rate“ for growth of inclusion-free crystals
1/1971–12/1975 Hydrodynamics of ACRT
5/1971–12//1975 Flux growth of dislocation-free SrTiO3 crystals
7/1974–11/1976 Verneuil (flame-fusion) growth of SrTiO3
3/1974–11/1982 Flux growth with ACRT of homogeneous solid solutions of YIG:Ga, GdAlO3:La, GdAlO3:Y, and striation-free KTa1-xNbxO3 (KTN). Theoretical analysis of experimental requirements for striation-free crystals of solid solutions.
1/1975–12/1980 Slider-free liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE) process for growth of p-n-GaAs multilayers „MultiLPE“, patents
1976–1981 Development of a super-Glovebox with less than 0.03 ppm oxygen and water.
1/–7/1982 STM study of atomically flat LPE-grown GaAs surfaces
1/1983–6/1985 Design of experimental simulation apparatus for Czochralski melts and simulation experiments with ink injection, floating particles, Schlieren, and Laser-Doppler anemometry with movies. Discovery of Taylor vortices.
7/1985–3/1987 Design of Continuous Czochralski and hotwall Czochralski machines for Si and GaAs. Patents for Co-Rotating Ring Czochralski CRCZ technology.
4/1987–6/1992 Crystal (flux) growth of high-temperature superconductor YBCO, phase diagram studies: eutectic BaCuO2-CuOx, primary crystallization field of YBCO
1/1991–6/1997 Liquid phase epitaxy of YBCO and NdBCO, crucible and substrate requirements, growth of LaGaO3, NdGaO3, SrLaGaO3 substrate crystals, oxidation problem.
2/–7/1988 SEM-STM study: leading-edge growth mechanism to explain thin YBCO platelets as form of growth instability, large thick YBCO crystals at low supersaturation
1/1991–6/1997 Liquid phase epitaxy of YBCO and NdBCO, crucible and substrate requirements, growth of LaGaO3, NdGaO3 and SrLaGaO4 substrate crystals
3/1993–11/1994 Atomically flat surfaces of LPE-grown YBCO and NdBCO, AFM studies
2/1994–7/1995 Growth of colourless anatase (TiO2) crystals by chemical vapour transport.
3/1997–8/2000 Problems of growth of gradient-doped garnet crystals for high-power lasers, first growth experiments.
1/1998–6/2000 Apparatus and preliminary experiments for LPE of GaN.
1/2000– Crystal technology (CT) for saving energy, for renewable energy, and for high-temperature superconductivity, education of crystal technology engineers and scientists, workshops and books on CT. History of crystal growth, of high-temperature superconductivity.
2/2002– Design criteria for high-safety airliner, flight security measures
4/2011– Fluid dynamics (patent applications) for Tsunami and for tropical storm protection