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Dr.-Ing. Hans J. Scheel - Crystal Growth - High-Tc Superconductors

Crystal Growth

High-Tc Superconductors

sound movie
In this movie Dr.-Ing. Hans J. Scheel talks about the potential of HTSC which failed due to huge material and crystal technology problems. First growth of free YBCO crystals and LPE were achieved.
LPE-grown YBCO-Surface
LPE-grown YBCO surface (Nomarski) mueller-bednorz-licci-besagni
Prof. K.A. Müller — Dr. J. G. Bednorz — Dra. Francesca Licci — Tullio Besagni
Prof. Heiner Müller-Krumbhaar - LEG-mechanism-SEM&STM
Prof. Heiner Müller-Krumbhaar — LEG-mechanism-SEM&STM Thick-YBCO-crystals—Tc-versus-time—Tc-versus-Stability-Temperature
Prof. A. A. Abrikosov and HJS
Prof. A. A. Abrikosov and HJS — Chem.- Ing. Pavel Holba
published PCF in comparison to our PCF
published PCF in comparison to our PCF YBCO-NdBCO-Substrates and LPE_NdBCO
YBCO-NdBCO-Substrates — LPE NdBCO-520x350 micrometer
Prof. Davor Pavuna — Prof. Franz-Karl Reinhart — Prof. Shin Miyazawa
Prof. Davor Pavuna — Prof. Franz-Karl Reinhart — Prof. Shin Miyazawa


1. Book: “Crystal Growth from High-Temperature Solutions”, 10 chapters, 634 pages, authors D. Elwell and H. J. Scheel, Academic Press, London - New York, (1975).
With additional chapter 11 “Crystal Growth and Liquid Phase Epitaxy of High-Tc Superconductors (HTSC)” and Appendices A. “Growth of Striation-free Crystals” and B. “Epitaxy and the Importance of LPE” , available as download on this website.
H. J. Scheel and F. Licci : “Crystal Growth of YBa2Cu3O7-x ”, J. Crystal Growth 85 (1987) p. 607-614.
H. J. Scheel, W. Sadowski and L. Schellenberg : “Crucible Corrosion in Crystal Growth of YBa2Cu3O7-x
Superconductor Science & Technol. 2 (1989) p. 17-21.
H. J. Scheel and F. Licci : “Phase Diagrams and Crystal Growth of Oxide Superconductors”,
Thermochim. Acta (invited review) 174 (1991)p. 115-130.
H. J. Scheel, M. Berkowski and B. Chabot : “Problems in Epitaxial Growth of High-Tc Superconductors”,
Proceedings of 7th Internat. Conf. Vapor Growth and Epitaxy, Nagoya 14-17 July 1991, and J. Crystal Growth 115 (1991) p. 19-30.
C. Klemenz and H. J. Scheel : “LPE of High-Tc Superconductors”, presented at the 10th Internat. Confer. on Crystal Growth August 16-21, 1992 at San Diego Calif. ; J. Crystal Growth 129 (1993) p. 421-428.
H. J. Scheel, “Problems in Epitaxial Growth of High-Tc Superconductors”, in Advances in Superconductivity VI, editors T. Fujita and Y. Shiohara, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo 1994, p. 29-36.
T. Nishinaga and H. J. Scheel : “Crystal growth aspects of high-Tc superconductors”, Proceedings ISS'95, Advances in Superconductivity, VIII Vol.1, editors H. Hayakawa, and Y. Enomoto, Springer, Tokyo 1996, 33-38.
M. Mukaida, S. Miyazawa, C. Klemenz, and H. J. Scheel : “Structural characterization of a-axis oriented YBa2Cu3Ox films grown by liquid phase epitaxy”, J. Crystal Growth 169 (1996) 715-721.
C. Klemenz, I. Utke and H. J. Scheel : “Film Orientation, Growth Parameters and Growth Modes in Epitaxy of YBa2Cu3Ox ”, J. Crystal Growth 204 (1999)62-68.
C. Klemenz, I. Utke and H. J. Scheel, “Defects on YBCO films grown by liquid-phase epitaxy on NdGaO3”, J. Crystal Growth 207 (1999)62-68.