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Dr.-Ing. Hans J. Scheel - About this Website

Hans J. Scheel
Dr.-Ing. Hans J. Scheel

Starting out with a chemical background, he has more than 40 years of experience with crystal growth technology and epitaxy in universities as well as in chemical industry, machine industry, and electronic/computer industry. For his achievements in bulk crystal growth and epitaxy technologies, he received awards from IBM and from Swiss, British, Korean Crystal Growth Associations, was elected member of the Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences, received his D.Sc. from Tohoku University, Japan, and was full professor at the University of Sao Paulo and lecturer at the National Space Research Institute INPE in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil. He is co-author and editor of 6 books and author of more than 100 publications and patents.
After retiring from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in 2001 Hans J. Scheel was visiting professor at Osaka University & Tohoku University, Japan and Shandong University, China.
Recent activities include history of crystal growth, education of crystal technologists for developing optimum technologies for energy saving and renewable energy devices, in a high-safety airliner, and large-scale fluid dynamics problems like tsunamis and tropical storms.
In December 2017 HJS started the company «General Protection Engineering GmbH» and is looking for partner, see

About this Website

This website is dedicated to the life and work of Dr.-Ing. Hans J. Scheel as a researcher and inventor in the field of Crystal Growth Technology (CGT). It should pass long-year experiences to the younger generation and motivate education of crystal technologists and crystal growers in the multi-disciplinary field of CGT including deriving single optimum technologies for producing best specific crystals, epilayers, and multilayers.

Result of first ACRT experiment January 1970: a 210g GdAlO3 crystal

For PDF of important publications see topics in CRYSTAL GROWTH.

download pdf Crystal Growth Problems solved by HJS

download pdf WHITE PAPER
«The Technology of Single Crystals and Epitaxial Layers»
«The Case for Energy, Water, Health, Education and Security»

download pdf Awards of H. J. Scheel


Home - this page
Crystal Growth
Here you find topics with video statements of HJS and related publications, some as PDF files.
The full list of books, scientific publications and invited lectures of HJS.
download pdf
Online-Edition of the Book Elwell&Scheel “Crystal Growth from High-Temperature Solutions” with additional chapter 11 and Appendices


Slides from recent Lectures:

download pdf Bordeaux-Lecture 2017
6thGerman-French Workshop on Oxide, Dielectric, and Laser Crystals
September 14–15, 2017
Bordeaux, France

download pdf DGKK-Preis-Lecture 2017
anlässlich der Preisverleihung der DKK e.V.
8. März 2017
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

download pdf SGK-PSI-Lecture 2018
Annual Meeting of SGK
at Paul-Scherrer-Institute / ETH
September 12, 2018
PSI Würenlingen, Switzerland


  1. Organic pigment dye Quinacridone crystallized 1966
  2. Mechanism of Pyroceram/Vitroceram formation 1966
  3. Accelerated Crucible Rotation Technique ACRT 1971, 1972
  4. Large striation-free solid-solution crystals (KTN) by ACRT 1982, 2001
  5. Book Elwell&Scheel “Crystal Growth from High-Temperature Solutions” 1975
  6. Dislocation-free SrTiO3 1976, 1977, 1981
  7. Atomically flat GaAs surfaces by MultiLPE and STM 1977, 1980, 1982, 1995
  8. First large crystals & LPE of high-Tc superconductors YBCO & NdBCO 1988, 1989, 1994
  9. Control of epitaxial growth modes for best devices 1997, 2003, 2007
  10. International Workshops on Crystal Technology 1998, 2000, 2005, 2008
  11. History of crystal growth & technology 1993, 2000, 2003–
  12. Fluid dynamics of tsunamis and tropical storms 2011–